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Geneviève garcia gallo

Painter, Geneviève Garcia-gallo lives and works in Lyon (Rhône)

School of applied art of the city of Lyon

Professor at the city's school of applied art and at the beaux-arts of Lyon

Exhibited since 1983 in France and abroad.

Public collections: city of Lyon, Torino, Warsaw, Villefontaine, Paris, Nîmes, Nantes.

Geneviève Garcia-Gallo leads us through her paintings in the heart of the rustling of mysterious forests and along the transparent fluidity of streams, to the echo of our distant buried memories, when man and nature were close, in symbiosis. The pictorial material is rich, vibratory, alive.

Another “escheat” theme, where the artist speaks of a lost world, where time has suddenly frozen, the human being is totally present and at the same time eminently absent, stricken from his world by a breath of apocalypse where nature slowly tries to take back its rights.

The latest works “we must love tales” take us into a poetic, dark and nostalgic universe where transparencies and opacities, lights and shadows alternate. The narratives fly from image to image, they go from the portrait of a woman with palisaded eyes to a winter landscape with wild waters, on the swift wings of a facetious robin out of a box where our childhood memories.

2019 : galerie des patriarches (Paris)

2018 : (comme un conte ) Galerie Jean-Louis Mandon (Lyon)

2018 : galerie Chybulski

2018 : “quatre horizons sur la verticalité “la M.A.C (Pérouges)

2018 :  château de Rochebonne

2018 : “ça coule de source” (Juillie, Beaujolais)

2018 : peinture pérenne extérieure (Monsols, Beaujolais)

2014-2015-2017 et 2018 : symposium de peinture (Grezolles)

2007 à 2017 : salon du sud-Est est (Lyon)