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Pi Fb In Fl

jacques peizerat

jacques peizerat Biography.

Born January 7, 1938 in Lyon.
Lives and works in Lyon.


1958 - Salon d'Automne in Lyon.

1961 - Salon of the Société Lyonnaise des Beaux-Arts.

1965 to 1974 - Galerie Bellecour in Lyon.

Since 1968, member of the Salon de Lyon and South-East.

1970 - 1971, Salon des Indépendant in Paris.

1978 - Le Pantographe Gallery in Lyon.
(as well as in 1983 and 1988).

1990 - BIAF 90, Barcelona, ​​Galerie Michel Guinle, Lyon.

–  Stockholm Art Fair, Galerie Michel Guinle, Lyon.

1991 – 1992, Galerie Michel Guinle, Lyon.

2000 – Galerie Olivier Houg, Lyon.

Since 2007, galerie jean louis mandon.


This painting never ceases to convey, to cross layers, to overcome obstacles, to sometimes overturn on the other side of the colors, in the sinuosity of a sharp turn. She creates spaces for herself where all her components, all her pieces, all her sections, all her plans will communicate in the acidulous, crystalline light of their gel-like transparency.

Painting that breathes the life that animates it into the canvas. She rejoices in her equilibrium which vibrates on itself like space at all its points, she triumphs over the erosion of time in its eternal stillness where each element is in its place, as if fixed, whereas never space and forces do not stop circulating: intensities.

Joël Couve. December 1992.

I paint for the "Martians", those strangers to language and culture, because for them two circles next to each other will not be an eight.

Jacques Peizerat, notes de travail, décembre 1980.